Frequently Asked Questions in Frankfort KY

Here are the answers to the most commonly asked questions about chiropractors in Frankfort KY. Knowing the answers to these important questions will help you pick the best chiropractor in Frankfort KY for you. If we didn't cover a question you may have, give Patriot Chiropractic a call at (502) 352-7171 and we will be more than happy to help answer your question.
Frankfort KY Chiropractor FAQs
What types of patients does Patriot Chiropractic help?
How many visits will I need to see results?
What should I expect during my first visit to the Chiropractor?
What is chiropractic care?
What services does Patriot Chiropractic offer?
How does chiropractic care work?
Can chiropractic care help with car accidents and sports injuries?
What conditions can a Chiropractor help with?
Is chiropractic care safe?
8:30am - 2:30pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
8:30am - 2:30pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
8:30am - 2:30pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
8:30am - 2:30pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
8:30am - 2:30pm
3:30pm - 5:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Patriot Chiropractic
5 Physicians Park Ste 4
Frankfort, KY 40601